Monday, December 05, 2005

I was recently commissioned to make Mark's grandmother a pair of house shoes, as she has been ill lately. From the description of what she wanted, the Felted Ballet Slippers from Fiber Trends seemed pretty much perfect. I actually finished them a few weeks ago, but have had some trouble getting the buttons to add as decoration since the straps are actually held down by elastic. I thought I was being very clever doing this to account for the fact that her feet have been swelling, but closer inspection showed that's what was in the instructions anyway. First I finished the slippers, set them aside until I could get buttons and forgot about them for a week. Then I bought the buttons and left them on the counter at JoAnn's. Then I forgot about them again. Then I bought buttons and left them in MS. Clearly they want to be buttonless, so they will be buttonless and actually mailed out this year. I actually mananged to do that yesterday, with a minimum of further delay.*

Here they are all floppy and weird looking prior to felting:

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And felted, but still looking a tad wonky:

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They're pretty cute on an actual foot, I think, I just didn't happen to have one around the right size for modelling. These were knit out of Lamb's Pride Worsted, and I was able to just barely make it with one skein. I had about an inch left.

*While I was waiting at the Wallingford post office, some woman leaving the counter said "Of course I'll be back; this is my favorite post office!" What must the others around be like?! I mean, just ask Jessica about this one.


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