Saturday, March 04, 2006

I haven't been blogging lately, mainly because I couldn't find the cable to get photos from my camera to my computer. I just found it last night dangling from the lever that makes my chair go up and down, though, so I'm back in business. Here is a shot of how far along I was on Hardangervidda when the Olympics ended.
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 I'm still plugging along, but at a slightly less frantic pace. I'm now allowing myself to also work on my sock pal socks. I'm making Broadripple using the gray varigated Fixation. I'm knitting them both at once (can't risk SSS here) on two circulars, and they're turning out quite nicely. I have to run to work now, so I'll photograph those later.


At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks great from here ;)


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