Thursday, November 04, 2004

So I now see how that "stash beyond life expectancy" thing happens. People are on the mailing lists of online crack yarn dealers. A few days ago I got the Ram Wools email, but had a brief stay of execution since I was too busy to read it. When I did today, I had to remind myself to breath. All Jo Sharp yarns are on clearance. Could it be? Is it possible? Yes, Silk Road Aran is affordable!!! When I came to, I was putting my credit card back in my wallet and had a sale confirmation letter in my inbox. Seems I ordered enough to make Rogue, which is the idea that began my love affair with this yarn in the color opal.

I also picked this up today:

Can you believe three skeins of yarn is enough to make a long ribbed cardigan?! And it's environmentally responsible, too. Neato.

What ever it is that has been restraining me from buying all of the good yarn I see with or without a plan seems to have broken. I almost bought about five other sweaters worth today at Fiber Gallery. I walked out with just the stuff I had ordered, but it was much different than just yearning for good yarn as I normally do.


At 3:09 PM, Blogger Almond Tea said...

I think I'm starting to fall in love with Cascade Yarns. First their color selection for 220, the softness of Sierra and now a ecological wool? I do, I love them.


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